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Baby Riley

Paul and I are happy to announce we are expecting baby #4. My due date is July 12, 2010!! Check below for the latest updates in my pregnancy journal. Scroll to the bottom for newest posts.


Sunday - November 1, 2009. 4 weeks today. My eyes had been a bit dry the past two days, but I was trying not to get too excited. Waited until first thing today to test, and it was positive!! EDD 7/12/2010.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009. 4 weeks 2 days. Scheduled my first appointment, it is on December 2, so I will be just over 8 weeks. Will see Dr. Weeks to start, same as I started with when pregnant with Will. Funny, Will was born when Jack was 21 months old, and this time I am just newly pregnant and Will is 21 months! But Jack was the most calm, quiet, laid back baby, and Will is Will! William will be 2 1/2 when the baby is born.


Friday, November 6, 2009 - 4 1/2 weeks. I feel like I am eating everything!!! I weighed 137 the other day at the doctor's office, we will see how it goes. This is going to be tough with all the holidays to start, then the cool spring, and then I am going to be huge and needing to wear shorts! Yikes!

Friday, November 13, 2009 - 5 1/2 weeks. I imagine my morning sickness will start any day now. It is usually right about 6 weeks. I had stopped drinking caffeine a couple of months ago, although I still drink decaf. I think coffee is one of the things that doesn't usually sit well. We will see!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009 - 7 weeks, 2 days. I have been SOOOO hungry this past week. My stomach is growling all the time, and I have been eating probably way too much. But at least when I have a full stomach I don't have much in the way of morning sickness. Been a little queasy, especially when I first wake up, but not too bad at all. I can't really drink coffee anymore; it just doesn't taste very good (unless it is mostly cream!). Just found out my cousin Tricia is due the week before me - very exciting!!

Monday, November 30, 2009 - 8 weeks, 1 day. I am still hungry, but not as bad. But the queasiness is way worse. I feel like it comes in waves - and sometimes hits pretty hard. I definitely have things that I want and don't want to eat. Many things sound pretty yucky to me now. I have to get up at night all the time to use the restroom, which is downright annoying. My appt with Dr W is on Wed and I can't wait. Had tried to move it up, but they were booked. Paul is home tomorrow (getting new washer & dryer as ours died) so the day will go quickly, and then I just have to wait until after lunch on Wed! Will ask them to do quick ultrasound to see heartbeat and just make sure only 1. I am obsessed with the idea of twins! 

Monday, December 7, 2009. 9 weeks, 1 day. Had a great appt. with Dr. W last week. Only 1 baby! Confirmed due date somewhere around 7/9 - 7/12, so I will keep going with 7/12. I seem to have already gained a few pounds yikes! Must watch how much I am eating. The super hunger is starting to calm down. My morning sickness isn't too bad. Some days are a bit worse than others. Got to see the heart beating which was awesome!!! Not sure if we will find out gender at 20 weeks. Probably not... I love the guessing game. Right now I am convinced we are having a girl... No headaches so far, gaining weight early, not as tired and able to work out more than with the boys, eating all the time.... All these are similar to when pregnant with Kate. But you never know! We will still pick out boy name too :). 

Wednesday, December 30, 2009. 12 1/2 weeks. Wow have I been slacking! We spent the past two weeks in Florida for Auntie Sarah's wedding and then a Disney trip. I am nervous to get on the scales after barely working out! Finally started feeling MUCH better at 11 1/2 weeks, in the middle of the trip. Morning sickness is all gone! I had had a bad morning sickness (all day) week the week before the trip, and that does coincide with the peak hCG levels in the 8-10 week range. My belly is getting big! My clothes still fit, and I typically don't wear maternity clothes until 16... but I am thinking about getting them out!

Friday, January 1, 2010. I am almost 13 weeks. Happy New Year! It is now the year the baby will be born . So I had been sure we were having a girl, and now I am not as sure. I have been getting a few headaches lately, which I did with the boys, but never with Kate. But we have been amazingly busy with Auntie Sarah’s wedding, the Disney trip, and just getting settled back into our routine. Maybe I will have a better idea as I get bigger and can tell which way I am carrying. I have my second appointment on Tuesday, and can’t wait to hear the heartbeat with the Doppler!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010. 13+ weeks. I had an appointment with Dr. Weeks yesterday. It was good and uneventful. We got to hear the heartbeat with the doppler at about 166 beats per minute. Very fun to hear, and the kids loved it. Somehow I have already gained a ton of weight, I think around 9 lbs. Two weeks in Florida without exercise didn't really help! Hopefully my weight gain will slow down, now that the holidays and our travel are over.

Sunday, January 10, 2010. 14 weeks. Not too much going on lately. I am thinking I am feeling the baby wiggling around, and it will be easier to tell real kicks in a couple more weeks. Kate and Jack are excited about the baby, and even Will has started to pay attention to my belly, and will point to it if I ask him where the baby is :). I am struggling with clothes as is always the problem these next couple of weeks.

Sunday, January 17, 2010. 15 weeks today. I seem to be about 1 week ahead of how I felt in the other pregnancies. Well, just comparing J & W to now. I am starting to wear my maternity clothes already, some fit, some don't yet, but getting there. With the boys I waited to 16. Also, I have had to cut my pace on the treadmill this weekend, which I don't think I had to do until 16 before either. With Kate it was all different - I don't think I was really showing until like 5 months!! So anyway, my belly is getting bigger all of a sudden, not that I didn't expect it, but it does still kind of catch me by surprise :). Still waiting to feel the big kicks and punches, should happen soon.

Friday, January 22, 2010. Nearly 16 weeks! It is going fast and slow at the same time. Once again I am looking into hiring a doula for labor, and I have a meeting with someone next Tuesday. I really enjoyed talking to Meg on the phone, and I look forward to meeting her. We seem to have similar backgrounds and ideas about birth, so maybe it will be a good fit. When I had Will I had interviewed three different doulas, but didn't find one that I thought would be the right person. Will let you know next week!

Monday, January 25, 2010. 16 weeks, 1 day. I am feeling a lot of movement lately - still no huge kicks and punches, but it is definitely the little one moving around. Meeting with Meg tomorrow, hopefully she is a good fit!

Sunday, January 31, 2010. 17 weeks today. I am feeling lots of little movements, especially in the evening or if I am paying attention. Fun to feel the little one :).

I have decided to hire Meg to help us with labor this time around! I really liked her when we met last week, and like the idea of having extra help while laboring. I am hoping this will go smoothly, and we can have the labor we want! Here is Meg's website, Inner Strength Doula.

My next appointment is this Thursday, and I am seeing Dr. Martin, who delivered Will. Also, I should be able to schedule my 20 week ultrasound... hopefully the schedule is out for next month! I think this practice does the ultrasound around 21-22 weeks, I will get what I can on the schedule, maybe end of this month or first week in March.

Friday, February 5, 2010. 17 1/2 weeks. I had my appointment with Dr. M yesterday and it went very well! I was nursing W when Dr. M got to the room, and he was totally supportive! Unlike Dr. W who said I should wean by 20 weeks, Dr. M said I could nurse the whole time if I wanted! W is down to 2-3 times a day, and I don't plan to nurse him forever, but it is nice not to have such pressure!

I was having a hard time getting my ultrasound scheduled, and Dr. M gave me an order to go to any imaging center, instead of relying on the hours they had in the office. It is now scheduled for Feb 22, in just a couple of weeks! I'll be 20 weeks then. And it is just down the street at 95 & Book, super close to the house. I can't wait! We hadn't been planning to find out, but now I am starting to want to know. My cousin Trisha is having a girl, and I kindof want to find out too.

I actually lost 1 lb this month, so puts me at 8 lbs up. This is much more in line with where I was with the other babies. I think that Disney trip really packed on the weight up front! Dr. M mentioned it, but didn't seem too concerned. Besides, I am sure I will add plenty of weight this next month. The belly is really getting pretty big, and I can feel lots of little movements. Baby's heart rate was 157 yesterday, but hard to find because baby kept moving all over the place. We'd hear all this swishing around, and kept losing the count!

Monday, February 15, 2010. 19 weeks 1 day. Lots and lots of little kicks now. The big ultrasound is 1 week from today and I can't wait! Still can't decide if we should find out now or wait... I do like the guessing game, but I also think it could be fun to know. Not much else is new. Still trying to work out. Actually I had a headache for 3 days this week, and I didn't work out because of it. But I just couldn't shake the headache. Then I did workout, and nearly instantly the headache was gone! Will try to be more consistent with my exercise!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010. 19 1/2 ish weeks. Our ultrasound is coming right up. We found out with Kate and Jack, but not with Will. I am still undecided about finding out, so let's list some pros and cons...

1. only half the names to consider
2. could plan out bedrooms
3. easy to pack for hospital
4. would know during labor

1. no more guessing games
2. feel more rushed to get things done
3. what if tech is wrong!!
4. feel like cheating by knowing

Sunday, February 21, 2010. 20 weeks. The ultrasound is tomorrow!! The little poll I posted on the blog came back 8-2 that we should find out. Paul and the kids all really want to know.... we will see if baby cooperates tomorrow!


(picture of baby R's hand & fingers)

Wednesday, February 24, 2010. 20+ weeks.
It's a Boy!!
The ultrasound went very well on Monday. At first baby wasn't cooperating, but after drinking a bit more water, baby flipped around. All the measurements were consistent with 20 weeks. All the baby parts were there, including the boy parts I wasn't expecting! Heart looked great and was beating at 153 bpm. The kids were hoping for a girl but knew they couldn't pick. K is happy as she will get to move to the guest room and decorate. The boys will share the two rooms that have the jack & jill bathroom. Here are a few more pictures.


Tuesday, March 2, 2010. 21+ weeks. The little one kicks all the time now. He doesn't quite yet weigh 1 lb (around 13 oz I think at last week's ultrasound) and the kicks and punches are really noticeable. I am a little nervous about how strong the kicks will be as he gets bigger!

Dr. M finally called about the ultrasound - it usually takes them 1+ weeks to get back with test results. He said baby looked great, due date right on, looks perfect!

Ok - stop here if you don't want to read any medical info....The only thing he mentioned, and the tech had told me about, was that my placenta is low, technically called a low lying placenta. Here is one of hundreds of articles explaining. In the vast majority of cases, it will 'move' up as everything grows, and won't be a problem. It is like a balloon, if you draw something on the balloon, then blow it up, your picture doesn't actually move on the balloon, but ends up higher up. Same situation here. A placenta will never move further down, and most likely it will move up. He said not to lose a moment's sleep over it, and that I have no activity restrictions at all! I will have another ultrasound at 3o weeks just to check on everything.


Tuesday, March 23, 2010. 24+ weeks. Oops, totally haven't been journaling at all the past 3 weeks. Not too much to report. Lots and lots and lots of kicks. Paul and kids can feel the kicks, and they can see my belly move if they are patient enough to watch for a few minutes.

Had an appt in mid-march with Dr. M, and had gained I think 5 lbs that month, so that puts me around +13. My next appointment is in another week, and I will see Dr. P this time. I really like her, and haven't seen her for awhile. After that I have an appointment in 4 weeks at the first week in May, then they start going to every 2 weeks! Yikes!!

Stop if you don't want to read medical details.... At last appointment Dr. M said that placenta is probably going to be totally fine by 3o weeks, and we will do another ultrasound then to veryify. No restrictions at all. He said it is currently 2 cm from cervix. I asked what it needs to be to keep me out of the OR for delivery, and he said it needs to be at least 4 cm away, and that he has no concerns that it won't get there. So, we will check in the first week of May and see what's going on!


Friday, April 16, 2010. 27 1/2 weeks. Well, the past couple of weeks have been busy with appointments. I saw Dr. P last week, and that was fine and uneventful. She gave me the orders for my glucose test and had me schedule my rhogham shot as I am A- blood type. All 3 kids so far have been +, A, A, O,

So on Monday I went in for mt 1-hour glucose test, and found out Wednesday night that I failed it :(. So I spent nearly 4 hours in and out of the lab today. I had to fast for 12 hours, then they did a fasting draw, I drank the drink, then draws at 1 hour, 2 hours, and 3 hours. When the results come back next week, they will know if I have gestational diabetes, or if the one hour test was just a fluke. If 2 or more of readings are abnormal, I get labeled. I begged them just to let me re-take the one hour test, but they don't do that.


Tuesday, April 20, 2010. 28+ weeks. Glucose test was normal! So I sat there in the lab for nearly 4 hours for nothing. But glad to know it is ok!


Wednesday, April 28, 2010, 29 1/2 weeks.

I am feeling pretty good so far, but starting to get bigger. So far my ribs have only been hurting sporadically, which is better than in the past. Before the pain started around 28 weeks, and was pretty constant if I remember correctly. I am having a few random sciatica pains too, but only every once in a while, and not for a few days.

I have my 30 week ultrasound on Monday to check on placenta, and then an appointment with Dr. M on Friday. Then I start going every 2 weeks. Glucose 3 hour was normal, so I think I am done with blood work, thank goodness.


Monday, May 3, 2010. 30 weeks, 1 day.

We had my 30 week ultrasound today and it went very well. The tech couldn't really say anything about placenta (she said doc needs to tell me) but she implied that it had moved up. I just hope it has moved enough. It was fun to see pics again, and he looked good. He is measuring almost a week ahead, weighing in at 3 lbs 12 oz. The due date she calculated was 7/5 I think (or maybe 7/7) but the calculations are so not precise, with a margin of +- 21 days. Of course I will have the baby within that window!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010 - 31 1/2 weeks!

I had an appt. with Dr. Martin last Friday and it went well. He confirmed that the ultrasound looked great, and no more worries about placenta location. I have gained 22 lbs so far - which he is fine with. Said I could keep gaining more weight :). I think I usually gain about 30, so I am pretty on track with that.

I have appointments every 2 weeks for the next couple of appointments, then weekly starting at 36. Still plenty of time to go! I have started nesting, which so far has meant moving K to the guest room, getting Will's room ready for the baby, and trying to decorate Jack's room. Today we had it painted green (J's fav color) so he no longer has the pink and purple bedroom :). I am also trying to plan out our studies for the summer, and still working on finding a nanny/babysitter to help out.


Sunday, May 16, 2010. 32 weeks.

The baby has been getting the hiccups daily lately, and they are rather annoying. I love most of the little kicks and punches (and many aren't so little anymore) but the hiccups are another story. The tend to last for at least 10 minutes, and are a constant thump on my belly. Of course they don't hurt or anything, but are quite distracting :).

Not much else is new. I have an appointment at the end of the week with Dr. K. The back pains and sciatica are still very minor and sporadic, knock on wood!


Monday, May 31, 2010. 34 weeks, 1 day.

I had an appointment with Dr. K last week, and it was ok. He was suggesting that I go ahead and schedule a c-section at 41 weeks or something (a full week past my due date), just to have it on the schedule. I think because so many of the docs are taking vacation now. He is the most medical of the staff I think... some of the others seem to be a bit more relaxed about me going into labor on my own. My next appointment is still a full week away. I was late calling the office for June appointments, and by the time I tried to schedule, I have the worst possible times. 8am next Monday, and another at 6pm two weeks from then. My belly is quite big, and I am not sure how much bigger I can get! Still 6 weeks (or less I hope) to go.


Tuesday, June 8, 2010, 35 + weeks.

Getting closer every day! My belly is quite big, and the little one doesn't have much room left. My doc yesterday was wondering how I can even breathe, with baby parts basically in my lungs. If you call the house and I have to walk across the room to get to the phone, you will hear that it isn't very easy :).

Had a bunch of contractions on Sunday night, but I lost track of counting them and then they stopped. Doc said it is probably because we had a really busy weekend (K's showcase, a big party, etc.).

Planning to get out some baby things this week or next - clothes, pack-n-plays, to get things set up. I know I could have 5-6 weeks left (YIKES) but hoping not.


Tuesday, June 15, 2010. 36 weeks +2 days.

I had an appointment yesterday and it was good. Measuring over 35 weeks, and heart sounded good. Still pretty high, in the 130s and 140s, depending on the day. Dilated 1 cm, which is less than useful information. Talked to Dr. W about when to go to the hospital. He said if I stay at 1 cm, than I can wait until contractions are 5 minutes apart. If I dilate more, should go around 7-8 apart. They want to make sure I am really in labor before I take up a hospital bed! I really do want to labor at home as much as possible, I am just a bit nervous about this being a vbac. That whole rupture thing keeps me on edge :). Baby's head is very low, and he has dropped a bit this week, making it a little easier to breath. I was right about the way he is laying, it is little feet that stick out on my right side under my ribs.


Thursday, June 17, 2010. 36 1/2 weeks.

Well, I scheduled a c-section today, just to get it on the books. It is scheduled for Tuesday, July 20 at 9am. I will be 41 weeks, 2 days. So hopefully I won't even get close to going that far! But I was able to schedule it with my favorite two doctors, so I am glad it is on the schedule. They are fine with deleting it if I have the baby sooner!


Tuesday, June 22, 2010. 37 + weeks!

Woo-hoo, full term! 37 weeks is considered full term, so really, I'd be happy to have this baby any day now :). Kate was born at 38, and J was 37 + 2 days (ok, that wasn't his choice). Will on the other hand waited until the day before his due date.

The weather is really giving me a hard time. I am not usually an air conditioner person, but I am really enjoying it now. Honestly, if I wanted 85-90 and super humid with thunderstorms every day, I would move to Florida!! No signs of the weather changing anytime soon, so you are most likely to find me inside :).

Had an appointment with Dr. K yesterday. Officially hit the 30 lb point yesterday with the weight gain. I usually gain about the same with each pregnancy, and this one is consistent. Have I mentioned how pointless I think these weekly appointments are?? We waited 1 hour to spend literally 5 minutes with the doc who then told me nothing new.

Confirmed the times before going to the hospital - contractions 5 minutes apart for two hours. Then call office and head to Edward.


Monday, June 28, 2010. 38 weeks, 1 day

Well, it looks like 6/28 will be a birthday! My water broke at 1:50am, and we will be going to the hospital about 4. Trying not to wake everyone up too early.

I hadn't had any contractions yet this evening when sleeping, and I had been waiting for them. Usually have them most of the night. So, when I felt one, it work me up, and then I heard 'pop, pop, pop." My water broke with K too, right at about the same time. I am 38 weeks 1 day today!

We are proud to introduce Thomas George Riley!

He was born Monday, June 28, 2010 at 10:28am. He weighed 7lbs 9 oz and was 20 1/2 inches long. Kate, Jack, and Will are all super excited about their new baby brother. Here are the first pictures.

Tom's Birth Story

- - By Meg Smith, DONA certified doula

Thomas George, this is the story of the day that you were born…

It all started at about 1:50 a.m. on June 28th, when your mom woke up to feel that her water had broken. This was a bit of a surprise as you were two weeks early, but your brothers and sister also came a bit early themselves!

After doing a load of laundry and getting things pulled together, your Mommy called me, Meg the doula and woke up your Daddy. She also called your neighbor, Amy, to come stay with your brothers and sister.

Your Mommy and Daddy went to Edward Hospital in Naperville at 5:00 A.M. and got checked into room 105. At 6:00 after being registered, your mom was checked by nurse, Andrea, and was at 1cm a station of –1 and 70% effaced.

After making sure that your heartbeat was steady your mom was free to walk around the hallways. And she did, again and again. This seemed to be working as her contractions went from about 7 minutes apart to about 2 minutes within a short amount of time. As she first took her strolls she was laughing and texting and then as they got closer together she wanted to be back in the room.

As she labored your mom, being the funny person that she is, established rules! Rule #1 was that there were no jokes or laughing during contractions so that she could concentrate. Rule #2 was that there were no pictures during the contractions. And Rule #3 was regarding the birth ball. The comfy birth ball that she labored on for about two hours earlier was now the enemy and had to be banished to the bathroom with the curtain closed as not to be seen again!

Rule #3 was established just as she was going through transition. At 9:50 a.m. the nurse, Joanna was called in to check your mom and now she was at 5cm a station of –1 and 100% effaced. Things progressed very fast from there. As your mom was experiencing strong contractions that were about 90 seconds apart, Dr. Martin came in the room.

Your mom really liked Dr. Martin and was glad that he was there for your delivery and not the appointment that she had scheduled with him in the office for later that afternoon! He also delivered your brother, Will.

As it was time to push, your mom was doing fantastic. She was listening to her body and was going with how she felt. She started to push and once she was ready it only took about 4 pushes until you were out!

To tears of joy you were brought into this world at 10:28 a.m. weighing 7 pounds 9 ounces and 20 ½ inches long. You were perfect and your Daddy got to cut the umbilical cord.

Welcome to the world, Thomas George Riley!


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