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Tom's Birth Story

- - By Meg Smith, DONA certified doula

Thomas George, this is the story of the day that you were born…

It all started at about 1:50 a.m. on June 28th, when your mom woke up to feel that her water had broken. This was a bit of a surprise as you were two weeks early, but your brothers and sister also came a bit early themselves!

After doing a load of laundry and getting things pulled together, your Mommy called me, Meg the doula and woke up your Daddy. She also called your neighbor, Amy, to come stay with your brothers and sister.

Your Mommy and Daddy went to Edward Hospital in Naperville at 5:00 A.M. and got checked into room 105. At 6:00 after being registered, your mom was checked by nurse, Andrea, and was at 1cm a station of –1 and 70% effaced.

After making sure that your heartbeat was steady your mom was free to walk around the hallways. And she did, again and again. This seemed to be working as her contractions went from about 7 minutes apart to about 2 minutes within a short amount of time. As she first took her strolls she was laughing and texting and then as they got closer together she wanted to be back in the room.

As she labored your mom, being the funny person that she is, established rules! Rule #1 was that there were no jokes or laughing during contractions so that she could concentrate. Rule #2 was that there were no pictures during the contractions. And Rule #3 was regarding the birth ball. The comfy birth ball that she labored on for about two hours earlier was now the enemy and had to be banished to the bathroom with the curtain closed as not to be seen again!

Rule #3 was established just as she was going through transition. At 9:50 a.m. the nurse, Joanna was called in to check your mom and now she was at 5cm a station of –1 and 100% effaced. Things progressed very fast from there. As your mom was experiencing strong contractions that were about 90 seconds apart, Dr. Martin came in the room.

Your mom really liked Dr. Martin and was glad that he was there for your delivery and not the appointment that she had scheduled with him in the office for later that afternoon! He also delivered your brother, Will.

As it was time to push, your mom was doing fantastic. She was listening to her body and was going with how she felt. She started to push and once she was ready it only took about 4 pushes until you were out!

To tears of joy you were brought into this world at 10:28 a.m. weighing 7 pounds 9 ounces and 20 ½ inches long. You were perfect and your Daddy got to cut the umbilical cord.

Welcome to the world, Thomas George Riley!


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