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All our bags are packed, we're ready to go....

 ...just in case of a fire nearby.   So far, knock on wood, nothing nearby.  We are in the middle of a red-flag warning today, and dry thunderstorms are expected - this is a new phenomenon to me, lightning and thunder but no rain.  Not good for drought-stressed land.

With fires about 45 minutes north and 45 minutes south, the air quality fluctuates between OK and very, very bad.   Paul has air filters installed all over the house, and we keep all the doors and windows closed, and the meows inside (do not believe them, they will tell you anything to get you to open the door).  

We have water, a change of clothes, pet supplies, and important papers.  Oh, and also extra masks and power out supplies cuz, year, it is Covid in CA.   Just one more layer of stress :).


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