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Showing posts from 2020

Happy New Year's Eve

It's the perfect day for one of my favorite coffee cups of all time. Happy New Year!  While we know the count down to midnight won't be like waving a magic wand, it is a good start. Here's to seeing friends and family in person in 2021!

Persimmon Tree

 This guy was wearing his seed as a funny hat last night.  This morning he has dropped it.  We haven't named him yet.  

Merry Christmas!

 We had a lovely Christmas with too much food and lots of fun times together.  

Cute Christmas Puzzle

 This one was easy with big pieces and very distinct colors.    I started the next one, but a cat seems to have stolen an edge piece that was already put together.  I am still looking for it...

getting ready for finals!

Not sure how much Mari is helping :). 


We put up lots of lights this year. 

Thanksgiving 2020

We spread out some of our favorite foods during the week since it was only the 6 of us for dinner. The pig was something we hadn't cooked before. Kate being the mentally strongest among us did the most work getting it ready for the oven. 

Thanksgiving 2020

We spread out some of our favorite foods during the week since it was only the 6 of us for dinner. The pig was something we hadn't cooked before. Kate being the mentally strongest among us did the most work getting it ready for the oven. 

making cookies

Tom loves to bake and the rest of us enjoy eating cookies!

Puzzle time

We've been doing a lot of puzzles lately. 

Halloween 2020

Tom and I changed costumes a couple of times during the day:) 

Election day

Charge it up!

 With the power supposedly going out tonight through Tuesday night, we are busy preparing and charging all of the devices that we can.  Will and I made a portable solar battery box this summer, so we can use that too for phones & flashlight charging.    Oh, how I love you, PG&E.   The schools are all being flexible (or is it cruel?) and are sending assignments that our children can do without power.   Our neighbors have recently installed a very loud whole-house generator.   We are jealous, but also super annoyed about how loud it is right outside our kitchen window.   We have a portable generator that we haven't needed to use so far, but will probably setup for this PSPS in an effort to keep the fridge on.   Oh, and then there is the whole other part of this that we tend to gloss over.... heightened fire risk for the next two days, which is why they are turning off the power in the first place.   Ou...

Duke TIP - Honors

Congratulations Will on your PSAT score from this past winter. 

Happy birthday to my amazing husband!

What a fun day celebrating with the family. 

turkey time

Somehow our driveway was turned into a turkey thoroughfare.  Usually they are in groups of 5-9. 

Oreo cookie taste test

We did a blind tasting of Oreo type sandwich cookies using Oreo, Tuxedo, 365 Brand and Goodie Girl.  Most tasters could identify the Oreo. Oreos and 365 had the most favorable votes. More photos soon.  

favorite new coffee cup

Paul found this for me. Love it!

Botany projects

I've been propogating my roses to fill in some gaps in the yard. They are slow to root, but this latest effort is going pretty well. I'm hoping to be able to plant them this February. 

Hot Wings Family Competition

We had a family hot wings contest on Saturday.   We set up the game with 50 home oven-fried wings and a set of crazy spicey sauces. We had milk, heavy cream, salad, blue cheese dressing, ranch dressing, celery sticks, ice water, bananas.... anything we thought might help. We made a few Frank's Red Hot wings just to nibble on. Sauces: Hot Ones - Classic Garlic Fresno Hot ones Los Calientes Rojo Brain Burner Eye of Scorpion  Constrictor Last Dab Predicted results:   Based on the quantities of hot sauce he eats, we predicted Will to win the competition.   Winner:   Kate won!  She took the calm approach and made herself one with the spice. Great job, Riley clan!

Great NY Times article describing our life right now

Ash raining down

The sky is still ominous. Ash from the nearby fires coats everything. Tom calls it California snow. 

Foreboding sky

Even the news is describing the sky as foreboding. It's almost 10am and feels like 5am since the sun is obscured by smoke.  The air quality is around 100.

Lego Time!

 Not much to do this weekend - supposed to be 110 degrees and the smoke is at unhealthy levels.  Lego time!

Hazy morning sun

 The air quality isn't super horrible today - around 85-100, so moderate.  But the smoke makes the rising sun an amazing color.

Monday schedules

 The kids have the majority of their school work Tuesday-Friday.  Usually, Mondays only have a quick check-in call first thing in the morning, and then students should do their 'asynchronous' work.  For some reason, Tom has a ton of 'specialist' zoom calls today, with Band, Music, and Art.  We will really have to pay attention to the clock to make sure he gets to all of these required classes on time.  

The windows are open!

 For the first time in about 2 weeks, we have opened the windows!  This is a house that is usually wide open from March until October.  The heat has left and, for now, so has the smoke.  It is amazing to be able to be outside!

All our bags are packed, we're ready to go....

 ...just in case of a fire nearby.   So far, knock on wood, nothing nearby.  We are in the middle of a red-flag warning today, and dry thunderstorms are expected - this is a new phenomenon to me, lightning and thunder but no rain.  Not good for drought-stressed land. With fires about 45 minutes north and 45 minutes south, the air quality fluctuates between OK and very, very bad.   Paul has air filters installed all over the house, and we keep all the doors and windows closed, and the meows inside (do not believe them, they will tell you anything to get you to open the door).   We have water, a change of clothes, pet supplies, and important papers.  Oh, and also extra masks and power out supplies cuz, year, it is Covid in CA.   Just one more layer of stress :).

Appliance Mayhem

 This summer has been a challenge for our appliances and other large components of our home.  Our refrigerator took its last breath, our possessed installed coffee maker finally gave up, and our bedroom closet organizer literally fell off the wall.   It took a couple of months, but all of the items have been replaced and are all almost completely installed.  We are missing a couple of closet hooks that will be installed tomorrow.  

Distance Learning!

 Since Contra Costa County  is still on the CA Watch List, schools are all happening in a Distance Learning format.  While this is a much-improved process from the spring, it is still challenging to have 4th, 7th, 9th and 11th grade all in our home.    We have created a dedicated workspace in the living room for Zoom calls and homework.  Of course, the elementary, middle, and high school schedules are all different!  Tom has school mostly 9-12, Will 12-3, and the high schoolers 9-3.    Lunchtimes line up twice a week.  Oh, and Monday they only have homeroom/attendance, and the rest of the day is supposed to be for homework. All of the schedules are crazy in their own way.  Will has just two classes every two weeks - so this cycle he has Public Speaking and Science, but is supposed to make sure he does reading and PE too.    Tom has a zoom class literally every 1/2 hour all AM, which is a super pain.   The high sc...