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Distance Learning!

 Since Contra Costa County is still on the CA Watch List, schools are all happening in a Distance Learning format.  While this is a much-improved process from the spring, it is still challenging to have 4th, 7th, 9th and 11th grade all in our home.   

We have created a dedicated workspace in the living room for Zoom calls and homework.  Of course, the elementary, middle, and high school schedules are all different!  Tom has school mostly 9-12, Will 12-3, and the high schoolers 9-3.    Lunchtimes line up twice a week.  Oh, and Monday they only have homeroom/attendance, and the rest of the day is supposed to be for homework.

All of the schedules are crazy in their own way.  Will has just two classes every two weeks - so this cycle he has Public Speaking and Science, but is supposed to make sure he does reading and PE too.   

Tom has a zoom class literally every 1/2 hour all AM, which is a super pain.  

The high schoolers have the most normal schedule.  But, it is still a zoom class for all of their classes.  

Once CCC is off the watch list for 2 consecutive weeks, the schools can look into in-person school.  But it would be some type of hybrid program where you'd go either T, W, or TH, F so that no all students were on campus at once.  That will be interesting from a carpool perspective.


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