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Grandpa Jim is in the hospital

Just over a week ago Grandpa Jim fell and broke his hip pretty badly.  He went in to the hospital last Tuesday after the accident (he fell while out for a walk).

On Saturday they went to to the surgery to fix the hip and while they were intubating him, Grandpa Jim had a severe reaction, BP dropped and he suffered a full crash.  Luckily he was in the OR with all the necessary equipment and they quickly got him back.

He is making baby steps on his recovery - off the BP meds and regulating it on his own, breathing on his own, but he still has a ventilator, and off sedation.  We are still waiting for him to wake up.  CT scan shows no new strokes, which is great.  

Little things are adding up... fever and unknown infection (on new antibiotics), positive for MRSA (I'm sure acquired in the hospital) and some decreased renal activity.   They are hopeful to do the hip surgery on Friday.  I'll update this post with news as I get it.  I have been in Las Vegas the past three days, but home now.


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