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It's really cold again

It is only Jan. 23, but this winter is proving to be very challenging.  It's tough to send the kids to the bus when it is still -2 without the windchill at 8:45.   It was -31 with the windchill.  The high today is 4.   It is supposed to warm up into the 20s tomorrow, but with that comes another few inches of snow.  And shoveling, the never ending chore.

The kids and teachers are going crazy because it isn't even warm enough to go out for recess.  I used to think the district mandated 'go outside if it is 5 above with the windchill' sounded harsh.  Now it sounds balmy.

Midwestern winter typically lasts until the end of March.  April has usually turned a corner.  Everyone is already so fed up with this harsh, cold, snowy winter, that the next 10 weeks will be a struggle.


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