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Do you speak Mandarin?

This is the question that my husband asked me the other day.  My husband. I was in the middle of painting the ceiling in the boys' bathroom.  He was standing at our front door after he had rung the doorbell.

It was a rather odd question for  my husband to ask, considering he knows my Mandarin consists of hello and thank you.

Turns out our neighbor's inlaws locked themselves out.  And the weather was miserable - 33 and flurries - not a great day to be stuck outside for too long.

We invited them in, offered them drinks/food, then tried to figure out what to do with them!  We called our neighbors and work to let them know, and had even called everyone we know who speaks Mandarin to make sure we had the right idea that they were locked out.

They spent about two hours here, and I entertained them by showing them all the pictures from our year abroad.  I used google translate to type in all the city names :).  No way I could understand a thing they were saying, but I could tell them where we had been in the EU and ME.

They sent us a lovely thank you plate of hot dumplings so it all worked out.


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