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Wavus News - Day 8 (Thursday)

Super Hero Day!!!
Yesterday was Superhero Day here at Wavus! Due to the cold, rainy weather the girls met us in Jewell at 8:30 where we delivered the morning message and proceeded with breakfast.  After breakfast the girls headed back to their cabins to get ready for morning activities.  Once they returned to Jewell for gathering circle they sang campfire songs together until it was time for morning activities.  Today’s morning activities included: Wavus Waves, twister, pottery, Art, kayaking, yoga, woodshop, tennis and ropes where the girls did the HS swing.  After morning activities the girls went to gswim where many girls read and made friendship bracelets around the fire, while a few brave souls decided to swim despite the rain.  Next we had lunch and rest hour.  Once the girls were well rested they eagerly headed out to afternoon activities! This afternoon they had the choice to participate in caterpillar races, cape making, skits, origami, shenanigans, fort building, comic book making, board games, painting with watercolors, ropes course, HS swing and a mystery bat mobile.  After afternoon activities the girls had some time to recharge with a second gswim, free time and dinner.  After dinner it was time for Evening Activity.  For EA tonight we challenged each cabin to create a superhero.  They were asked to create a name for their superhero, an outfit, a theme song, a back story and it could be anything they wanted!  They then picked a counselor to dress up as their super hero!  It was fun to see how creative the girls were with this activity!  After each cabin presented their superhero, it was time for flag and bed.  Superhero day was a big success and it was nice to see the girls find their inner superheroes and help out anyone who needed a hand. 


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