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Worst Trip Ever

Our day tour of Stonehenge started and ended in disaster, with no sightseeing at all.

Our driver for the day emailed this am to say he had a flat tire, so would be late.  Our 8:15 pickup was moved to 10.  Then delayed again to 11.  

Finally at 11:15 we were in the car with carseats and all,  ready for drive to Bath and Stonehenge.  Except that shortly into the city drive Jack was looking a little under the weather.  We were hoping he'd just close his eye and the motion sickness would pass.  As Paul was leaning back to help J with a pillow, Will promptly threw up all over, which then triggered Jack to throw up all over.  Did I mention we hired a car??? 

How horrible, gross, embarrassing, etc, etc, etc.  We pulled over into a gas station and cleaned up the car, got the clothes off the boys (they wore only undies and coats on way home) and put car seats in back, with all the linens bagged up and sealed.

Now we still need to get to Stonehenge and Bath....


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