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London heat wave

The temps have been rather hot here this week!  Mid to high 80s, which I know is no comparison to the heat this summer at home, but it is quite warm for here.  We don't have air, and no screens on the windows, so we are limited on how much we can open windows.  We also have 4 small children who could very easily climb out any of these window, plus the even more agile cats.  It is supposed to cool off on Saturday, just 2 more days.


Joan Gilson said…
Hi Anjie & Fam- Have not been able to get an e-mail through- all bounce back- so am hoping this works better. Your heat wave is like being back in Grandma Petrosky's youth. No screens, no AC.
Hope the little ones and the pets do OK- and it has to be a lot for you to get used to. Hope things settle for you after a few weeks. There are so many differences in the countries. Think about you and the family all the time. Love and hugs to all. I have been looking on line for the "hamsters" and can find nothing that is similar to the ones I bought in the Denver airport. Even looked in the airport the last time I was there- to no avail. Will continue to look for grey, yellow, etc. Love to you all. Mom

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