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6/12 - What did we pack today?

It is hard to wait for the next week until the packers get here.  It seems so far, and yet way too soon.  We are trying to pack a few things everyday to get ready for Monday.    I have a HUGE pile of things I have been accumulating in my closet for the move, and that will need to be organized maybe tomorrow.  I know some things were originally added that will need to be taken out, like hardware for the bunk beds.  The kids have convinced us that they need cute Ikea beds for their new rooms.  Which we agreed to, making it easier to come back to having furniture here.

But anyway, yesterday we started with kids' backpacks, desk supplies, and K's stuffed animals, and board games among other things.  Today we packed medicines, linens, laundry baskets, and all the pictures/knick knacks from the house.  I guess we have a few pictures left in the bedrooms, but that should go quickly. Yesterday we also organized all K's camp gear, but we still need to label everything, which should take a few hours of sharpies and iron on labels.

Honestly, it took awhile just to move all my plants downstairs off the dressers we are moving, and to make it easier on our house sitter to water them!  It is that kind of thing that eats up time and leads from one thing to another.

Kate and Jack really want to pack their clothes, but I am not sure they realize they will literally be living out of a suitcase from June 18 - July 17.


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