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Pregnancy Journal Entry 6/15/2010

Tuesday, June 15, 2010. 36 weeks +2 days.

I had an appointment yesterday and it was good. Measuring over 35 weeks, and heart sounded good. Still pretty high, in the 130s and 140s, depending on the day. Dilated 1 cm, which is less than useful information. Talked to Dr. W about when to go to the hospital. He said if I stay at 1 cm, than I can wait until contractions are 5 minutes apart. If I dilate more, should go around 7-8 apart. They want to make sure I am really in labor before I take up a hospital bed! I really do want to labor at home as much as possible, I am just a bit nervous about this being a vbac. That whole rupture thing keeps me on edge :). Baby's head is very low, and he has dropped a bit this week, making it a little easier to breath. I was right about the way he is laying, it is little feet that stick out on my right side under my ribs.



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