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Update 10/25/2008

We are getting excited for Halloween, and hope to take some costume pictures today. The weather has turned fall-ish - cold and rainy, but hopefully will improve for next Friday's Trick or Treat adventure.

Kate - Very excited about the upcoming holidays, and is counting the days to Halloween. We are still trying to decide between full and half day kindergarten. Most likely she will be in full day, unless I can find a bunch of families that want half day and we can get a class at our neighborhood school.

Jack - Is getting much better at the potty. Perhaps it is due to his new spiderman undies. He seems to really care now if he has an accident, and he almost always wants to wear undies. Still, we are doing A LOT of laundry, but making progress.

Will - is 9 months now. He had a doc appointment this week, and luckily only one shot -first half dose of a flu shot. We weighs a bit over 21 lbs already. (Kate didn't quite weigh 20 at 1 year, I'll have to look at Jack's records). He is standing and no longer hanging on to things, but hasn't decided to take steps yet. He is always on the go and wanting to be doing something. Putting him into his carseat is the worst job, he fights it like crazy! As long as he is busy with something to do, someone to watch, he is pretty easily distracted, but gets upset easily if he has to wait!


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