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Update 7/31/2008

Yikes, ok, I have been a blog slacker lately, sorry!

Finally, here are a bunch of pics from the past couple of weeks.

And another set here.

What's new....

Kate - is enjoying level Red in swimming. Noah and Jake are both in her class, so they goof around a lot, but are still enjoying and getting used to the water.

She is consumed with 'scrapbooking' right now. I scrapbook, and so have started giving Kate the extra pics/paper. She has been working on her own book non-stop, and is really quite good! She cuts her own pictures, and mats or double mats everything, then pastes them in her notebook. She loves showing off her latest pages!

Jack - wanted to take swim lessons too, but then wouldn't jump in for the testing, so we will try next summer. J is a dare devil outside. His favorite new game - that Mommy can't stand - is taking the small slide over to the swing and climbing/standing up on the swing then jump off. Like the kid needs to hit his head again!

Will - can crawl! He can go from crawl to sitting and back again with ease. And he has two teeth. Watch out Kate, Jack, and Scout - will is heading right for you! He is eating food a bit more, depending on his mood. He likes bananas the best so far.

A & P - The expanded garden is doing great! It is wonderful to have a second crop of soy, peas and snap peas.


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