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Update 4/17/2008

Jack - He had his 2-year check up yesterday, and it went well. Only 1 shot this time, and he didn't cry. We can move off whole milk now, but are going to switch the whole fam to 1% instead os skim (until Will starts drinking it, then he will need whole). Jack is talking so much more all of a sudden. He says please and thank you, and will say things like, "nemo [fruit snacks] please momma." He loves practicing saying hot oven, hot water, and clean up :).

Kate - Only 1 month left of school. I think we will need to find some activity for her this summer, she really loves going to school. She is thinking about getting her hair bobbed for the summer, and we are trying to help her understand that it won't grow back right away if she cuts it short, but that it will grow back by fall/winter. She likes the idea of short hair summer, long in winter.

Will - We popped him on the scale yesterday and he is around 15 1/b pounds. Not exact since he was dressed. He is quickly moving out of 3-6 month clothes! He is doing well with tummy time, and has started belly laughing often. He smiles a lot!


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