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Update 3/15/2008

Kate - we had her preschool conference on Thursday and it went well. Mrs. Engel had plenty of good things to say about Kate, and even described her as sunshine in the classroom. She did not have specific things to work on but encouraged us to continue making writing/letters/numbers fun. Kate fell on the sidewalk on Thursday, so now has big scapes on her forehead, belly and hand. She is a tough girl - she didn't want to go wash off the scrapes but instead stayed out to play more.

Jack - he is increasing his vocabulary. Some new words include Amy (our neighbor) and Stacey (his gymnastics coach starting in 2 weeks). We are working on colors too.

Will - barely fits in any 0-3 clothes or size 1 diapers. We got out and washed all our 3-6 things yesterday! We continues to smile a lot and will giggle now and again.


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