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Pregnancy Journal

Paul and I are very happy to announce that we are expecting a baby 1/24/08! The posts below are in chronological order, latest news at the bottom. I am trying to journal at least once a week.


5/15/07, Monday

My eyes were so dry today. That was the first symptom I had with both Kate and Jack. Paul asked me this morning if I was pregnant :).


5/16/07, Tuesday

I had planned to wait until Saturday to test. Then I decided to try Thursday (4 weeks) but after looking at the dates again, and having such dry eyes again, I just had to test. Positive!!! We are pregnant, and due 1/24/08. Wow!!


5/29/07, Tuesday

5 weeks, 5 days. I am such a slacker on this journal already! Paul took a few days off over Memorial Day, so we were busy, busy this past week. I dusted off my old pregnancy books and brought them back upstairs. Funny how I can read the same material over and over. Paul and I have been talking lots of walks and running with the kids lately. Hoping to keep it up through most of the summer - the walks will be easy, but I need to keep running! Almost 6 weeks, and still hard to believe I am pregnant.

I had called around to area docs a few months ago looking for the right practice, and have decided on DuPage Medical group. It it in the same office at our pediatrics practice. I am really hoping to have a VBAC this time (not a repeat c-section if I can help it). I wanted to find a proactive that was very pro-vbac, and this seems like the best one for me. They don't have set guidelines that they have to follow, and allow things on case by case basis. I called my midwife Jen and NMPG and found out their procedures, and then compared local docs to that.

There are 8 doctors in this practice, and I will see them all during the pregnancy. Whoever is on call when I go into labor is who will be there! Our first appointment is at 7 1/2 weeks, on a Monday. Really looking forward to it!!


6/7/07, Thursday

7 weeks today! I have been tired lately, and tend to take a nap during the day when Jack naps. Kate plays or maybe watches a show. My appointment is coming up soon, I am so excited. I switched to half decaf coffee, because last week I couldn't go totally to decaf, but this week I can barely drink coffee anyway, so it doesn't really matter. I still have about 1 cup, but I had been drinking a lot more. I know I didn't drink much coffee with K, but I think I still did with J. maybe it is a girl. I keep thinking about how the baby is already a boy or a girl (instantly, really) and that I have to wait to find out. I also am preoccupied with the idea that I am having twins, mainly because I just have always wanted to have twins. I hope we do an ultrasound on Monday.

I have had the same old morning sickness for the past week. Not throwing up, but nauseous in the morning. Some days are better than others. I think if I have a small snack before bed it is easier in the morning. Not that I need to eat before bed! I will gain 100lbs. In the morning I have to eat a few small meals, and that helps. But if I eat 1 bite too much, I feel horrible too! It is a tough road.


6/11/07, Monday

We had our first appointment today and it went very well. I really liked Dr. Weeks. There are about 4 or 5 of the docs that deliver at Edward hospital, so I will float between them. we did an ultrasound today - just one baby! - and confirmed the due date right around 1/24/07. Dr. W actually went with 1/25, the ultrasound said 1/27, but since my kids are early birds, I think I will keep going with the 1/24 date I have had in my mind. Dr W said everything looked good, but not sure how much you can really tell this early. I could see the flutter of the heart which was very cool. Kate and Jack were very patient in the appointment, and then went next door with me to get my labs done (just a few blood tests, nothing crazy).


6/18/07, Monday

8 1/2 weeks.We told everyone this weekend, so that was very fun. it was also Father's day weekend, so a good time to tell people. I think with Kate we waited to 12 weeks, 10 with Jack, and down to 8 this time. It is just so hard to keep such a good secret :). besides, I feel like I already have a belly and need to explain it :).


6/21/07, Thursday

9 weeks today. I have been very tired lately, and it has been hard to keep up with the kids, Scout and keeping the house clean. Some days are better than others :). My morning sickness (ok, really all day again) isn't too bad. But if I don't have a snack at night I don't feel well at all. I have been trying to still go running, but when I do, I feel so wiped out the rest of the day. It is easier when we just go for walks to the park or around the neighborhood. I am hoping to have more energy in a few weeks.

With both Kate and Jack we found out their gender at the 20 week ultrasound. This time both Paul and I are thinking about waiting until birth day! Of course we might change our mind by September and the ultrasound.


6/28/2006, Thursday

10 weeks today. The past two days have been kind of hard - I felt pretty nauseous often during the day. I hadn't had a bad day in awhile, and hopefully won't have another one soon. I haven't slept very well the past two nights, and I think that is the problem. I worked out today for the first time in awhile, and that was good. I have been taking Scout on walks, but I went running today. My clothes are starting to get a little tight, and I feel like my belly button already is popping out! I haven't really thought about maternity clothes yet, but I imagine it is only a couple-three weeks away. Luckily my friend Pam gave me a bunch of clothes which is perfect since her son Jason (Elena's little bro) was born the end of December.


7/1/2007, Sunday

Kate has gotten very protective of my belly this week, and is also obsessed with the idea that the baby gets to eat everything that I eat. She is also convinced that we are having a baby girl... but she tends to say that about every baby still in a mommy's belly. I am feeling well, and have been having better days. I still get a little nauseous a couple times a day, but not too bad. My clothes are definitely starting to get tighter, but I want to hold out on getting out those maternity clothes until 12 weeks :).


7/10/2007, Tuesday

11 weeks, 5 days. Although my due date is officially 1/25 (not 1/24) so it is a tiny bit off, but since it is just 1 day, I am going to keep saying weeks switch on Thursdays.

Anyway, I had my second appointment today, and we got to hear the heartbeat, which was great. Kate loved to hear the baby. The heart rate was around 170, so fast and strong. At first the nurse (she is new) couldn't find the heartbeat so I was a little stressed out, but when the doc came in, he found it right away.

For some reason I had a really hard time scheduling an appointment for next month, due to doc vacations I guess, but finally I got an appointment 5 weeks from now with Dr. M at the Edward hospital location.

I got the maternity clothes out, but there is no way I can wear them yet. I just have to stick with a limited number of my regular clothes for a little while longer.

I have my energy back, and have been feeling really good lately. I have been working out again, which is great. My friend Emily from high school wants to run/walk the
Bix in a couple of weeks, so we will see if that happens. 7 miles is a long race, but it would be fun if we could talk and jog and maybe even run a bit :).

So I was looking back at my pregnancy journal for Jack to compare. Looks like his heartbeat was also quite fast early on, which is usually a prediction of a girl. With Jack I had some headaches, and none with Kate. I actually have had 1 or 2 so far this time. The other thing is that while I will eat ice cream, I am again leaning toward the salty snacks like popcorn and chips & salsa, so perhaps we are having another boy :). That would sure make it easy to share a room!


7/17/2007, Tuesday

12 weeks, 5 days today. I slept really well last night, I think I only got up once to go to the bathroom, which is a record for me! Lately I have had to get up 2-3 times a night. Ah, the joys of moving into the second trimester :).

Not much else new. I still have a little belly if I wear tight clothes, but I can kind of camouflage it if I wear baggy things. I am able to wear most of my regular clothes still, especially if pants/shorts fit under my belly.

I think my biggest clothing challenge will be something to wear to a wedding we are going to in mid-August!


7/30/2007, Monday

14 1/2 weeks. Not much new going on. Getting bigger of course, but still in regular clothes. Some I can't button anymore, but still not ready for maternity clothes. I am sleeping a lot better at night, which is wonderful! My next appt isn't for another 2 weeks, but that is ok. And then after that, the next appt. will be time for the ultrasound already! Still don't think we will find out the gender :).


8/2/2007, Thursday

15 weeks today! The time is just flying by. Fully into 2
nd trimester now. I realized yesterday when we went to visit some friends that people have no idea I am pregnant, just think I need to lose some weight! Oh well. Soon enough, I guess.

I have felt a few small flutters that I am pretty sure are the baby, but not full kicks yet. He/she is about 5 inches long now.

I really think it is a boy, but am still open minded about a girl. I think Kate wants a baby sister, but we talk all the time about how we don't get to pick and we will love a boy or girl baby, either way. Lately she has started to say it is a boy; before she was adamant we were having a girl.


8/6/2007, Monday

15 1/2 weeks. My next appointment is a week from today. This weekend I broke down and brought some maternity clothes upstairs. And I had to get a couple of pair of maternity shorts. My regular shirts still fit, but most of my pants/shorts are too small around the belly. Reading back to J's journal, looks like I got the clothes out at about the exact same time, right before 16 weeks.


8/15/2007, Wednesday

17 weeks tomorrow. We had an appointment on Monday and I really liked the doctor, Dr M. He disagreed with Dr. K about having to get an epidural when I walk in the door, so that was great. We got to hear the heartbeat and it was 155 and strong. I gained a couple of pounds over the last 5 weeks, so not too bad. The one thing this doc suggested was that I need to go to the hospital right away, instead of laboring at home like I wanted. Although the chance is very slight (less than 1%) they are just a little nervous
about a rupture from J's c-section. We have the ultrasound scheduled for September 19th. But I might call to reschedule since I will be almost22 weeks then. Dr M. also suggested that we do an ultrasound at 35 weeks to check on the baby's position, but not to worry about him/her being breech until then since before 35 weeks there is so much room to move around.


8/22/2007, Wednesday

18 weeks tomorrow! Wow! Still nearly 4 weeks until our ultrasound appointment, but I am sure it will go quickly with preschool and new classes starting soon. Belly is getting bigger, and I can feel the baby a lot more now. Moving and kicking and all that. The baby is about 8 inches long, and 1/2 pound at this age, still tiny indeed!


9/5/2007, Wednesday

20 weeks tomorrow! The baby is moving and kicking a ton now! And not just when I am relaxing and take time to notice. Belly is getting bigger, not like that is a shock :). 2 weeks until our next appointment and ultrasound. Paul will be able to go with us, so that is exciting. I was very sick yesterday, but feel 1000 times better today. The weird thing is that I was sick the exact same way when I was 19 weeks pregnant with Jack? Coincidence, or am I having another boy? :)


9/9/2007, Sunday

20 1/2 weeks. Lots of kicks and movement. I keep trying to get Kate and Paul to feel it too, but so far the little one tends to stop moving when I finally get someone to come over. Less than 2 weeks until the ultrasound. Not sure why I am so excited about it since we aren't finding out gender. But it will still be amazing to get to see the little person.


9/18/2007, Tuesday

21 1/2 weeks, 22 on Thursday. I went in for my monthly appointment yesterday, and we have the ultrasound tomorrow. I haven't gained much weight so far, but the doc said it is ok. I am measuring perfectly, and the heart rate was 164 yesterday. I can feel a ton of kicks and jabs. Can't wait to see the little one tomorrow!


9/21/2007, Friday

22 weeks and a day now. We had the ultrasound on Wedneday, and the baby looks great. The technician said everything looked wonderful. We could see arms, legs, beating heart with chambers.. it is just amazing. They can even tell how fast heartrate is -163 at appt. time. We did not find out if we are having a boy or girl. And I am no expert... I asked if somthing was a hand, and it was the umbilical cord :). Paul thinks it is a boy, but I have been thinking that all along too. We will still have both names picked out. The baby was moving a ton, so our pictures aren't as great as they could be. I will try to post a profile one soon.


9/25/2007, Tuesday

Getting close to 23 weeks now! I feel like I am getting close to third tri, but I just checked and it doesn't start until end of October. I guess that is only 4 weeks away. Speaking of Weeks, Dr. Weeks called on Friday to review my ultrasound, and everything looked perfect. He said structure is fine, placenta in right place, fluid levels good... all ok! He again said looked like 1/20 due date, nearly a week before original, but they won't officially change my due date since within 7 days. Just something to think about. Kate is very excited about the baby, and seems to like the guessing game about boy/girl. Jack has started to understand, and will point to my belly and/or lift up my shirt when asked where the baby is!


9/26/2007, Wednesday

For about the last week and a half you can now see and feel my belly move from the outside. Kate loves to try to feel the baby, and Paul has felt kicks too. It is funny to watch it bounce. I am back to having to get up in the night to use the restroom, and I am sure that will only get worse as baby grows from 1 lb to 7+!


10/4/2007, Thursday

24 weeks today, so I guess that makes me 6 months. Strangers/acquaintences are starting to notice my belly, and are just starting to ask if I am expecting. The timing was the same with Jack, right around 24 weeks. My next appointment is the day after we get back from vacation - yikes, not looking forward to that weigh-in! I am not running anymore, but still walking on treadmill a few times a week, and taking Scout for walks. The weather has been very warm still (80's lately) so it has been easy to get out.


10/8/2007, Monday

24 1/2 weeks. We are going to Disney World tomorrow, but this is a perfect time to travel. I am feeling great, and not too big yet. Although the heat is supposed to be nearly unbearable, and very unseasonably warm. Luckily it has been in the mid to high 80s here the whole time, so at least I am pretty used to it. Feeling tons of movement all the time. I often wonder when this baby sleeps! Trip and doc appointment updates next week.


10/18/2007, Thursday

26 weeks today. Wow, this is the last week in my second trimester! Yikes, this is going fast. Feeling tons of movement, which is fun. My appointment on Monday was good. Heartrate in the mid 150s. I was measuring a little small (23 weeks) but it seemed to be because baby hangs out on the side of my belly instead of in the middle. Doc didn't seem concerned at all. Gained a couple of pounds last month, much better than I had expected after Disney trip!

Next Monday when
J has his 18 month appt, I will pop over to the lab in the office to get my orange drink and get blood drawn. Then back a few days later for Rhogam shot and flu shot!


10/23/2007, Tuesday

26 1/2 weeks. Yesterday I had to go to the lab for the 1 hour glucose screen and have my blood drawn for Rhogam shot. Kate was so sweet to me while I grimaced and choked down the lovely orange drink. She kept asking me if I wanted a sip of her water! She said she didn't want to watch the blood draw an hour later, but ended up watching the whole thing, and counting to 1o for each of the 4 vials they took. I will go back on Friday morning to get me Rhogam shot and also my flu shot.

So far I haven't been having any back pain - knock on wood. Looking back, I think it started with Jack around 28 weeks. We will see what happens.


10/25/2007, Thursday

27 weeks today. Tomorrow I get to go back to the doctor (nurse actually) and get my Rhogam shot. While there I am hoping they can do a quick measure of my belly to see where I am. Also getting my flu shot tomorrow. Hope it won't make me too grumpy :(.


11/1/2007, Thursday

28 weeks today. So far no back pain, knock on wood! Got my Rhogam and flu shots last week, not too bad at all. The nurse let us listen to the baby's heart for a minute, but wouldn't measure me - she wasn't too happy with us for some reason. Said she was too busy, but I have waited for HOURS in that office, and didn't feel too bad asking her to spend 1 minute so Paul, Kate and Jack could all listen to baby. My blood work all came back normal which is good to hear. Not too worried about measuring, because I have gotten quite big this last week or two. I feel really big all of sudden, hard to believe I still have 10 + weeks to go.


11/8/2007, Thursday

29 weeks today. Like clockwork, a few days ago I started having the same pains I had with Kate and Jack. Luckily it isn't every day, and it isn't that bad yet. Basically, it is a pain in the right side of my front ribs, and I can best describe it as someone taking a fillet knife and separating the muscles, ligaments, etc from my ribs. Ah, only 10ish weeks left!

I have an appointment on Monday, and then one in 3 weeks, then every 2 weeks for a month, then every week. Lot's of time in the doctor's office.

Right now I feel like the baby is lying across my belly, which is called transverse position. It is basically the worst position for a baby to be in! Worse than other breech presentations, and a 100% guaranteed c-section. Anyway, perhaps I am wrong, and besides there is still lots of time to move around. I am hoping the doc will be able to tell on Monday, or maybe I will get them to do a quick ultrasound. Baby was head down at 22 weeks, but that was almost 2 months ago!!


11/16/2007, Friday

30 weeks + 1 day. I had an appointment on Monday and it went well (aside from the one hour wait!). I liked Dr. P, and I have her for my next appt. too. I had been worried about measuring small last time, and now I am measuring big! I was 29 1/2, and measured 31! Perhaps it has to do with all the weight I put on last month - I am now up to about 15 pounds. I will need to pay attention to what I eat with all the holidays coming up :). My back/ribs haven't been bothering me too much yet, just a bit at night, and I have been icing when it hurts. My next appointment is in another 2 weeks, at 32, then every other week for a couple of appointments, then monthly. The really exciting thing is that Dr. P was pretty sure baby is head down, which is wonderful news. Still lots of time to move, but hopefully he/she will stay that way. Right now I still want to go for a VBAC, but I know a c-section is possible too.


11/23/2007, Friday

31 weeks + 1 day. Well, this week my back/ribs and hips have all been bothering me a lot more. I even made an appointment to see a chiro down the street, and that seems to help. I hadn't really had back pain before, and I think this was mainly caused from doing too much around the house getting ready for Turkey Day (clean carpets, vacuum them, mop, all those things that you have to bend over/push). Of course I ate way too much on Thanksgiving too, and am sure I will pay for it when I get weighed in 10 days. Oh well! The hip pain is new too I think, at least I don't remember it off-hand. It kindof feels like my hips aren't connected and I have to bring them along. Other times I can feel a zing through my hips - legs like lightening...will have to ask the docs about this, but my reading makes it sound very common. Next appointment is a week from Monday, then every 2 weeks. I am getting anxious now, especially because I am now looking/feeling much bigger, and waiting for the end. Honestly, as long as I get to 2008, I am ready :). K is 04, J 06, so want 08 for this one. Besides, I won't be 37 weeks and full-term until 1/4... right about the time Jack was born.


11/29/2007, Thursday

32 weeks today! So I realized the hip pain I was having is Sciatica, a very common complaint in pregnancy. I have been seeing a chiropractor this past week, and it seems to be helping. I really like the office, Discover Chiropractic. It turns out that I have friends who go there too, and the staff and docs are all very welcoming. It is a big change from the OB practice I go to, where I do like the doctors, but the nurses and staff can't usually be described as warm or caring. My next appointment is on Monday, and maybe we will do an ultrasound then to check baby position, or maybe wait until 34 weeks. I have scheduled all my appointments now, so at least I don't have to go through the hassle of that anymore!


12/4/2007, Tuesday

32 1/2 weeks. Had an appointment yesterday and it was ok. The baby's heart rate has slowed a bit, which is a sign of maturing, and is now in the 140s. I'll have to look back and see if K&J slowed as well. Imagine they did. Measuring around 33 weeks, which is good. Not sure what orientation the baby is, but this time Dr. P thought he/she might be breech instead of head down. We didn't do an ultrasound this time, but I think I will ask to do one next visit in two weeks, since I will be nearly 35 weeks then.


12/13/2007, Thursday

34 weeks today. This week has gone incredibly slow for me, not sure why. Probably because I am getting close to the end of this pregnancy, but still have weeks left! Jack was born just after 37 weeks, which is just 3 weeks away. My next appointment is on Monday, and I am really looking forward to it. Will ask to do ultrasound. I feel like the baby has turned or dropped or something, but since I wasn't exactly sure which direction baby was before, not sure how he/she is now :). I do feel like the sharp parts that are often sticking out of my belly are lower now, more mid belly instead of ribs.

This past weekend we got out our infant clothes to start getting ready. Still need to go buy baby detergent. We have some clothes that will work for winter, but since both Kate and Jack were born in the spring, we don't have a ton of warm, cuddly clothes. It will be fun to go shopping once the baby is born and we don't have to get all green and yellow :).

We also bought some newborn diapers, so I think I am officially giving up on my thoughts of switching to cloth. It just seems like to0 much work and very little direct benefit.


12/18/2007, Tuesday

34 1/2 weeks. Had an appointment yesterday and the ultrasound showed baby head down! Very exciting! Dr. K walked through some of the pros and cons of vbac versus c-section with me. I have over an 80% chance of success with vbac, so will still probably go that route. I have another appointment in about two weeks, so we will so how everything is going then!


12/30/2007, Sunday

36 + weeks. My next appointment is this Wednesday, so I am looking forward to that. Want to double check baby position, and see if doc thinks labor is coming soon. I am getting anxious and want to meet this baby! Been having a lot of contractions, mainly at night when I am getting ready to go to sleep, and they are getting painful. I am a bit nervous about what happens in case of an emergency during the vbac trial of labor. I *really* don't want to have general anesthesia and miss the whole birth... wondering if it is better to put an epidural in place before hand.... good question for Dr. M this Wednesday!

We washed some baby clothes today and packed a baby bag for the hospital. It is a bit harder not knowing what color to bring! But we have enough pink and blue warm clothes to make it home. It will be fun to take Kate shopping for clothes for the new baby!


1/2/2008, Wednesday

37 weeks tomorrow! Jack was born at 37+2 days, so we are getting close! Kate was born right at 38 weeks. My appointment today went very well. I really like Dr. M. He was very encouraging about a vbac. My biggest fear is that there would be a problem that required a fast c-section, and he said that even then, they would most likely be able to do a spinal instead of having to knock me out. So, I am really looking forward to trying to have the vbac! All the contractions I have been having are doing something... I am 1 centimeter dilated and 70% effaced. I know I could stay this way for weeks, but Dr. M was very confident that something will happen sooner than later. Baby is still head down - yippee. Dr. M thinks he/she is probably 6 1/2 pounds or so right now. Kate was 6 5oz, and Jack an even 7 lbs.


1/9/2008, Wednesday

38 weeks tomorrow. I have decided that ob appointments at the end are absolutely pointless. We wait forever in the waiting room and then are told nothing in the whole 4 minutes the doc is in the room. OK, maybe I am just a little bit bitter right now. No change from last week despite two nights of contractions from 11pm-3am. Dr. W agreed that the baby is probably around 6 1/2, 7 pounds, maybe a little bigger because it was hard to feel the head (only good news is that head is pretty low, and of course still head down!).


1/11/2008, Friday

38 weeks, 1 day. If I were pregnant with Kate right, my water would have broken at 12am this morning, and as I write this at 6am, contractions would be starting up. She was born after about 12 hours of labor (they start counting from contractions, not water breaking) at 5:23pm. Jack was already born nearly a week ago, but that wasn't his choice! So, I am now more pregnant that I have ever been!! Anyone taking bets on the birthday?? Let me know.


1/13/20078, Sunday

38+ weeks. Only a couple of guesses about the new baby's birthday, and they are actually the same - Grandma Marie was thinking perhaps the baby could come on her birthday 1/16, or her sister Dorothy's (1/12). We missed the early one! My cousin Trisha seconded the 16th - so perhaps that will be our lucky day :).

It is kind of nice getting further away from Christmas, but unexpected too. With Kate we were taken by surprise since she was born so early, and Jack was even earlier. I just didn't think I would go this far, and now it is just a waiting game! Luckily my back and side (ribs) only hurt sporadically, and I have been feeling good. Just looking forward to meeting our new one. Kate is so excited, every day she talks about how much she loves the baby and can't wait to meet him/her.


1/14/2008, Monday

It would be nice if this baby would come on a weekend, but here we are again
back to Monday. During the week it will just be harder for Paul to get home. The trains run pretty regularly, but only every hour or so. We will just play it by ear I guess! I have another appointment tomorrow with Dr. P, and we will see how that goes.


1/15/2008, Tuesday

38 1/2 weeks. I have an appointment this morning, yippee. I really didn't think I would get to this one, but oh well. Some practices automatically schedule a c-section at 39 weeks, but not mine. I imagine the topic will come up. I had Paul come home a bit early yesterday as I was having contractions all day. Not that painful, but noticeable. I always think they are going to build in intensity, but, of course, the contractions just stop without warning. This is probably the 5th time I have thought, maybe, just maybe, this is the start of labor. And the thing that drives me crazy is that at the last appointment all those contractions hadn't even been doing anything! Whatever, warm up laps I guess :). With Kate it was easy since my water broke first, and then the contractions were very strong right away. This time, I keep thinking maybe it is labor since the contractions are before my water has broken, and maybe they start out slower/less painful. Anyway, I'll write more after my appt.


1/16/2008, Tuesday

39 weeks tomorrow, and still pregnant! At least I don't have much back pain anymore. Sometimes sleeping aggravates my ribs, but it usually goes away.
Oh, back to the appointment.... saw Dr. P yesterday. I think she is my favorite of them all. When she walked in I asked what we could do to get this baby out, and she said, 'let me strip your membranes.' Definitely uncomfortable, but not painful. Besides that, nothing going on.

So far, it doesn't seem to be working, but I was very nervous last night...
.. Jack is still sick, which is just such bad timing. He was very, very grumpy yesterday, and luckily Paul was able to work from home to help out. Jack didn't sleep very well last night either, but I hope his fever is down when he wakes up. Last night was rather stressful... another night of contractions from 11-3am, but again, they just stop. That coupled with a sick Jack, and I didn't sleep much at all. I was just so nervous about what we should do about the hospital if I went into labor last night with the very clingy/sick Jack. I don't want to get Amy or Cheryl's kids sick, and I don't wish comforting a feverish 1 1/2 year old on anyone! Luckily nothing happened (I know, after all the wanting this to get going, yesterday I was praying that baby would wait!). This morning Mamie is on her way out here, so we shouldn't have to worry anymore.

We didn't talk about a c-section yesterday, will wait another week. I don't think I would schedule one until a few days or so after my due date. But the only amount of induction they can do is striping my membranes, and not sure I want to do that again! Lucky for Scout I have been taking him on lots of walks to try to move this baby along.


1/17/2008, Thursday

39 weeks today! Mamie is here, which is sooooo helpful. The kids are thrilled and are keeping her very busy :). Paul had worked from home the past two days, but back in the city today. The trains run pretty regularly, so it should not take him too long to get home just in case I do finally go into labor!

1/18/2008, Friday

Today's date looks good for a baby, but so far nothing! Sorry for the delay in this posting, we had gymnastics this am. Nothing new to report. Maybe something exciting this weekend :).


1/19/2008, Saturday

Back to the weekend, which makes it so much easier to get to the hospital. No having to worry about Paul getting back from the city!


1/20/2008, Sunday

39 1/2 weeks, due date coming up soon! Today is Kate's friends Emma's birthday, so another good day for a baby. We already missed Grandma Marie and our friend Luke's days. Paul is home tomorrow for MLK Day, so that is good. We rearranged Jack's room yesterday, so that might be a good sign that the baby is coming soon!

I have my next appointment on Tuesday morning with Dr. M. We will probably have a conversation about scheduling a c-section, but I want to wait until at least 41 weeks, maybe 2/1/08, a Friday.


1/21/2008, Monday

Happy MLK Day. Nothing new to report. My house has been super clean for the past two-three weeks, as I have been trying to keep up with it. And I have been doing laundry every other day, to make it easier on Paul. We have the Moses basket, pack-n-play, stroller, car seat... everything all set up and ready to go. Just need the baby!


1/22/2008, Tuesday

Happy Birthday to baby Will!

William Joseph Riley was born 1/22/2008 at 4:44am. He was 7lbs 3 oz and 20 inches long. Pictures at Picasa and birth story to follow. Everyone is doing great. Kate and Jack seem thrilled with their little brother.


Will's Birth Story

On Monday, 1/21, Paul had the day off for Martin Luther King Day. We ran some errands took the kids to a bouncy party, and hung out with Mamie. Kate and jack both went to bed pretty early.

Around 9:30 I started having contractions, but I had been having some many Braxton hicks that I didn't get too excited. Around 10:30 I told Paul about them, but still wasn't too sure. By 11, 11:30 I had decided they were real, but only 10-12 minutes apart. I decided to call my docs when they got a little closer. I couldn't sleep so got up and finished packing my bag, straightened up the house a bit, and rested with scout.

Just after 12am on 1/22 I woke Paul up and asked him to take me to the hospital. The contractions were getting closer together, around 9 minutes, and Dr. Martin had said to go around 8-9 minutes.

I barely had any contractions on the way to the hospital, and then they seemed to get further apart, it was cold and snowing, and the roads hadn't been plowed very well. Paul drove carefully and it was an uneventful drive.

When we got to the hospital around 12:30 or so, we were shown to a triage room where they hooked me up to the monitors (baby and contractions) and asked a bunch of questions for my history. I was at a 3, even though the contractions were still only 10 or so minutes apart. But then all of a sudden the baby had a decell, and they were making me move from side to side lying down, then had me get up on my hands and knees to try to make baby happy. Let me tell you, that is a little tricky on a small triage bed! I looked up, and there were suddenly 5 nurses in our room and two of them were trying to start an IV. Unfortunately they missed my vein and pumped a ton of fluid under my skin. Then spent a few minutes trying to fix it. After that the baby's heart rate stabilized, and they were able to take enough time to get the IV right. They called Dr. Martin, and he said all was ok, but I think that the decell had them all rattled. They might have been thinking about sending me home before that since contractions were far apart, but not after the decell.

So, over to a Labor and Delivery room we were sent around 1:30am, and spent the next two hours on the bed. After the 'incident' I was denied all beverages, ice, movement... I was a prisoner in my bed. So we dimmed all the lights and tried to rest. Paul was able to fall asleep, but my contractions were becoming more and more painful and closer together. It was hard to manage the pain, because all I could do was grab on to my bed rail, and not move around at all.

Around 3:00 I decided I had had enough, and was very frustrated. Our nurse didn't think the baby would be born before her shift was up at 7, and said I wasn't even in active labor. But with the pain getting very intense, I decided to ask for an epidural. I had been scared that if there was a problem and I needed a c-section, they would have to put me out under general anesthesia. This would eliminate this scare, and make me more comfortable! So the nurse checked me (now a 5) called Dr. Martin, and got the anesthesiologist to come down. By 3:30 when the epidural was done, I was already at a 7, and decided to rest since the pain was now tolerable. Dr. Martin came to check on me, and broke my water, which helped baby to descend a bit further.

With the epidural, I could still feel each contraction and pressure, but not the pain. So again we dimmed the lights and rested. I was supposed to call our nurse when I could feel pressure all the time, not just at contractions. I was starting to feel it, and decided to wait one more contraction to call. But at the next one, the pain was the most intense thing I had ever felt, and I started screaming at Paul to press the call button. He was asleep in the dark, and he is colorblind, so it was a bit hard for him to find the red button :). Theresa came in and realized I was ready to push. I wanted her to change the epidural; she said I had to push... so we started pushing without Dr. Martin. He came in a few minutes later and they got everything set up to deliver the baby. The pain was simply amazing, I think mainly because I had been so calm, and instantly the pain was there without warning. I kept yelling, 'get the baby out' when I wasn't focused on pushing. I think I pushed for about 7 or 8 contractions, maybe a half hour or so, but it is a bit of a blur. Baby started having more decells, so Dr. Martin decided he wanted to get baby out right away, so used the vacuum on one contraction, and baby will was born at 4:44am on Tuesday, January 22, 2008! Will had the cord wrapped around his neck twice and his arm once (which explained the decells). Aside from a few bruises from the fast delivery, he is perfect and a wonderful addition to our family. Happy Birthday, Will!


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