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Singing, tumbling... a busy girl

Kate has really been enjoying her classes lately. They did work on the piano the other day in music class, so Kate was happy. She had been prepared to ask Miss Wendy about it :). And Kate has started singing a lot more, especially the songs they do in class. Now that she is older, so can actually sing pretty well.

In gymnastics the girls all seem very confident. Each week they get better at the skills - for instance now when doing their cartwheels they have to jump over a block, and Coach Luna holds on to them less when doing backward somersaults. There are now 3 girls in class - Kate, Katie and Abbey. It is so funny to watch them during the down time... they talk to each other, and seem so animated... at one point it looked like they were discussing fashion - their different leotards - which wouldn't surprise me a bit :).


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